Becca Made That

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Me Made May 2018 Review

Hey Internet friends!

Got a bit behind here on the Me Made May front but I’ve finally got my act together to write a quick review to see how well I did and what I learned!

All in all this was a bit of a different #MMMay experience for me this year, I had two weddings to attend this month as well as a conference and a bit of a vacation! With the conference, vacation, and one of the weddings being out of town I defiantly felt some pressure while packing to ensure that I had enough me made clothes without repeating too much. Although in retrospect I definitely packed way too much and should have been less concerned about repeating outfits. I guess it was because I was documenting my outfits each day that made it hard for me to really be objective about what I was packing. I learnt my lesson though! Packing and re-packing that suitcase was a PAIN, although I did get to appreciate all my hand made clothing every time! (Sidebar: do any of you guys get kinda nervous when you put a whole suitcase of me made clothes on to the conveyor belt to be wisked away at the airport? I part of me quietly gets anxious thinking about how the airport or airline could lose my bag and there goes literal years of me made handiwork!)

In terms of the challenge that I set for myself this year I think I did a pretty good job! I set out to wear a complete me made outfit Monday to Friday with at least one me made on the weekend. For the most part I accomplished this goal, with a few slip ups during our vacation to the east coast of Canada as I am quite lacking in the ‘comfortable pants to wear’ department. I have a few Hudson pants and one pair of unblogged Avery leggings (coming soon to the blog!) but I think I need to diversify from my ginger jean obsession a bit. I’ve already got some plans on making some more shorts for the summer and I bought Ensemble patterns' new Robinson trousers which can be made in a variety of fabrics including, comfy stretch fabrics, so I'm hoping to fill that gap in my wardrobe soon! Another thing I noticed is that I seemed to have filled the 'make more solids' conclusion from last year's #MMMay, so it really seems like this yearly challenge is helping me to fill in gaps in my wardrobe :)

My favorite outfits were two of my most recent makes (again blog posts soon!) my new Kielo wrap dress and my weekender sweater! You guys seemed to like them too as they were at the top of my most liked Instagram photos this month! I can’t wait to share more about these two so stay tuned for some more blog posts soon!